Monday 16 April 2012

No Discipline

Whilst I'm hiding in the kitchen pretending to work a thought struck me...

I really am a crap disciplinarian.  I don't know where to start trying to control my children, I really don't!!

Luckily Amelia who is almost 3 is on the whole a very well behaved child, she is polite, does as she is told (mostly) and only rarely has tantrums but...

Then we have Baba who is pretty much out of control. She is 16 months and strops like you've never seen strops before! She smacks, throws things, falls on the floor screaming her head off, won't walk anywhere, wants to be carried ALL the time, doesn't sleep well, won't get in her carseat, won't get out of her carseat.... You get the picture and I have no idea what to do about it.

At the moment I am ignoring it and praying she improves on her own, I keep telling myself its a phase she is going through BUT I do know that at some point I am going to have to address it. What I don't get is how the hell do I get a 16 month old baby to understand??? She is unreasonable and doesn't understand co-operation, threats of a smacked bum or bribery (whatever works)

Pre babies I was ruthless and I wouldn't think twice about tearing a strip of anyone, no one was safe. I was border line rude, I didn't take fools at all and woe betide anyone who dared to stand up to me. Everyone thought I'd be a tyrant of a mother, extremely strict... By God how wrong... I am a pushover, I have no control over them and no idea what to do

Which is now causing me to panic! How can two such little people wield so much power over me??? How can they turn me from a major pain in the ass to a pushover???

I don't get it??? WTF is going on???

**excuse me whilst I have a mini meltdown**

Oh ok, hang on a minute..,

My husband has just said don't worry it's a phase... Phew I can bury my head again...

For a little bit anyway, at least until I can bribe her!!

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